Law is supposed to serve Principle and in so doing to serve the people. When it ceases to serve Principle it becomes the Weapon of the Tyrant. - Randy Lucas
We have state legislatures and a Congress which make Laws.
This process includes much discussion and debate until the law is passed and then subjected to signing by the governor or president. Once signed it is Law.
But any Law that the state or Federal Government passes is completely ineffective without enforcement.
Enforcement of a Law requires resources and will. There must be ample Law enforcement people and those officers must have the will to enforce the Law.
Making more Laws than can be enforced is foolish. It undermines Law and Order rather than enhancing it.
When God makes a Law He does not have to discuss, debate or get sign-off with anyone.
God simply Speaks and His Words become Law !
Not only do God`s Words become Law immediately, His Law will be enforced in all cases over all time!
It is impossible to get around or escape capture when breaking God`s Law !
"The Soul that Sins shall Die ."
"The Wages of Sin is Death ."
Likewise, God has spoken Laws of Promise into existence which are just as valid and just as stringently enforced !
Futhermore, God has made it possible through Christ Jesus for us to Focus solely on His Laws of Promise.
Christ Jesus has Forgiven all Sin for all Time !
So, rather than thinking about - being Conscious of - Sin Laws , we ought to think about, Meditate on, His Promise Laws
Those Promise Laws will be enforced by the Power of God through Faith in the Grace of God by Christ Jesus !
Unlike the secular Law officer who may not be around or may not be paying attention, our Heavenly Father never sleeps and He never grows weary.
For the Eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole Earth , to shew Himself Strong in the behalf of them whose Heart is Perfect toward him.
(A " Perfect Heart " is ours by the New Birth. It operates by Faith in the Father`s Love ).
Our Father is motivated by His Love to enact Sin Laws and Promise Laws.
Be not Deceived ; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also Reap.
This Law is both a Sin Law and a Promise Law. Our Father`s Will is that we operate in the Promise Law aspect of it.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his Only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in him should not Perish , but have everlasting Life.
So, unlike the secular "authorities" who are often unjust and inconsistent in the enforcement of secular Law , Understand that our Heavenly Father cannot fail to enforce His Sin Laws and more importantly to His Promise Laws.
Law is a system of rules, usually enforced through a set of institutions. - Wikipedia
Should Law be applied blindly or with prejudice?
Is a crime a crime regardless of:
- Race
- Religion
- Beauty
- Education
- Wealth
- Character
- Politics
The answer is obvious: Unless Law is applied blindly, privilege creeps in along with allowances, slackness and corruption.
For this reason there should be no frivolous Laws , i.e. Laws that are not taken seriously; Laws that are not enforced.
The abundance of Laws waters down the Power of Law and encourages lawlessness.
Furthermore, having a Law that is not enforced is immoral.
Why? It undermines the value of all Laws. It makes Law enforcement subjective and arbitrary.
Illegal is illegal or else illegalitity is meaningless.
Arguments for exceptions undermine the validity of the Law. They are arguments for lawlessness, Chaos , Anarchy.
Consider the argument for amnesty for illegal immigrants. If a single illegal immigrant gets a pass for their illegal entry, then in all fairness, every illegal immigrant should get a pass.
Why would passes only be for past illegal entry? Why not future illegal entry?
It is clear that such arguments make Laws meaningless.
What is wrong with illegal immigration?
- it is illegal
- it breaches national security
- it steals opportunity from legal immigrant applicants
- it drains the nation of resources
- it takes opportunity away from citizens
- it affects elections
For these reasons there is no Sane argument for allowing illegal immigration or forgiving it.
The Law of God :
The Law is perfect. So perfect that it condemned all of humanity. It established the need to be born again.
The old creature could not be saved.
When we are born of God`s Spirit we are perfect because He is perfect.
The letter of the Law killed the old creature. The Holy Spirit gave us Life (eternal, abundant).
The new creature has no desire for sin and he is not condemned - he is righteous.
The Law has been written in the heart of the new creature. The new creature cannot sin.
Many Christians walk around like zombies - living the life of the old creature who is dead.
Until we see it, we cannot be it.
Now are we the Sons of God.
By the Holy Spirit we not only escape sin but, more importantly, we manifest the power of God.
It is God`s heart to heal, fill and employ.