| I guess there have been babies born that were unloveable but I cannot imagine such.
Chances are Hitler was a normal baby with people in his life that loved him and were proud of him.
Without considering environment, experiences and education flash forward to the 1920's to see Hitler becoming evil under the guise of good.
Hitler's stated aim, Kuehnelt-Leddihn writes, is to quash individualism in furtherance of political goals:
When Hitler and Mussolini attack the "western democracies" they insinuate that their "democracy" is not genuine. National Socialism envisages abolishing the difference in wealth, education, intellect, taste, philosophy, and habits by a leveling process which necessitates in turn a total control over the child and the adolescent.
The rest of Hitler's story is well documented.
There are two points I want to make:
→ environment, experiences and education determine who we become
→ National Socialism is alive and well in America under the Democratic Party
Education is quite literally the greatest determining factor in outcome. Environment is an educator. Experience is an educator. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, says he to you; but his heart is not with you. |
As America moved away from a Christian community environment it created a threatening, uncertain atmosphere.
As America moved away from Christian experiences it opened the door for dangerous, self-destructive experiences.
As America moved away from a Christian based philosophy of education it created a sterile environment into which demonic influences moved. The result was a reduction in the value of life.
The church of Hitler's day was passive. It did not push back on obvious Satanic influences that gained footing in Germany.
The church of 21st century America is passive. It has moved away from Biblical principles. Accordingly, it is fearful, weak and ineffective.
The difference between Hitler's Germany and 21st century America is that the point person demagogue has not yet arisen in America though his spirit lives in the ruling oligarchy.
Unless we come to our senses, recognizing Children Of Satan and destroying their works, they will destroy our nation, just as the Child Of Satan, Hitler, destroyed his. But there is hope if we will realize our potential In Christ Jesus. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold your peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not. |
At the end of the day the responsibility is on us to receive and operate in the Mind Of Christ. Doing so represents a complete re-education in the Truth. |