One of the most significant passages that we make from childhood to adulthood is from ignorance, to knowledge to wisdom.
I can remember when growing up how discipline was administered so that children would Learn Better. This meant they were taught what was right and what was wrong, what was acceptable and what was not. It often involved corporeal punishment to impress upon the child the seriousness of the point being made.
What was the premise upon which this, often harsh, discipline was administered? It was the premise that wrong thinking manifests as wrong behaviour. And wrong behaviour is unacceptable.
But what is 'wrong thinking'? Our heritage is that the Word Of The Lord, the Bible, defines wrong thinking and right thinking.
Where is the Bible in our society today? I believe it is still one of the most popular book purchases there is.
But, is it being used to shape our personal lives, the lives of our children and, in so doing, the life of our society?
The answer is a resounding no.
So, without the Bible as the standard for right and wrong thinking, what standard do we use to teach ourselves to Learn Better?
And there we have it. There is no standard. We are in a transition phase between having a concrete concept of morality to having only one moral principle.
What is that one moral principle driving society today?
The undergirding moral principle has become:
' Do not criticize another person's principles.'
This principle undermines the concept of Law And Order. It justifies the actions of every person from their own perspective.
Instead of an upward progression in which we move from ignorance and selfishness to wisdom and community, we are now on a downward spiral to foolishness and destruction.
As a matter of fact, we no longer desire to Learn Better but have intentionally determined to Learn Worse.
Becoming foolish and self-destructive has achieved a place of honor in our rebellious world. But because it is contrary to the very purpose for which we were created,
→ it is only honored by rebellious fools,
→ who suffer in this world for their foolishness, and
→ who will stand before the righteous judge and
→ who will be condemned for their Self Worship and
→ who will then be cast into the Lake Of Fire.