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- accomodate - dinner and a movie involving two items of punctuation
- perforate - family meal at a Vietnamese restaurant
- alienator - what happened to the missing ufologist
- hitchhiker - a jack for raising a two inch ball
- parasites - a pretty girl at the grand canyon
- retaliate - to recount your money until you have the correct sum
- happiness - the result of Capone`s tax evasion conviction
- sincere - a burn from doing something wrong
- giant - a very large ant
- bashful - seen enough of the demolition derby
- percolate - sort out a bunch of cats
- incarnate - Nate, when he`s in his chevy
- infatuate - the reason you gained weight
- maritime - taking a vacation cruise with Mary
- placate - what you tell Kate when she is bored
- hiccup - when they pulled the country boy out of the well
- unalterable - what a confirmed bachelor is
- penultimate - what Bic strives for
- catapult - a machine for throwing a cat so hard against a wall it makes the sound, `pult`
- reverberate - to repeat a command for emphasis, e.g. Run, Run, Run!
- nicotine - Nick after his bar-mitzvah
- isolate - what a gramatically challenged tardy person says when he arrives
- spinster - an old maid in a hot rod
- descent - take a shower
- medicine - to get hooked on prescription drugs
- validate - take your girlfriend out in Bakersfield, CA