Truth is undermined when it is mis-attributed. When confused, simplify. If you can`t explain it briefly, you don`t understand it yourself. If you do understand it but still can`t explain it briefly, a politician or philosopher must have been involved. If you do understand it but still can`t explain it briefly, you just think you understand it. If you like to hear yourself talk, do everyone a favor and talk to yourself. Conversation requires at least 2 people where both participate in the speaking and listening. Good conversation is when the speaking and the listening are in balance among the conversants. It is never wrong to do the right thing. Political correctness is moral incorrectness. It is possible for a smart person to outsmart himself. A person unwilling to die for his freedom is not worthy of living in freedom. I don`t work for my health. Refuse to confuse. If you call an apple an orange don`t be surprised if people think juice rather than pie. Regulators don`t work holidays or weekends as their product is not in the critical path.
If regulation is not brought under control we are doomed see USSR)
Simplicity is the essence of genius. Caches create crashes. Never compromise on principle - God doesn`t
Compromising ensures that nobody is happy
When you feed government (taxes) so that it becomes unmanageably large, don`t be surprised when it turns and eats you. The recipe for saving America is to repeal most of the legislation since 1960.
Only the defense department is a necessary bureau. All others should be shut down. Social Security should be privatized and the administration shut down. The greater part of love is respect. Respect comes before love and is the foundation of it. But what does God say! Satan sets you up to be upset. Jesus lifts you up to be uplifted. Incompetence - the ability to make things worse (see Obama)
Stupid enough to believe in Evolution Theory? Stupid enough to believe in Climate Change? Stupid enough to believe you can spend your way out of debt? Stupid enough to believe you can buy a friend? Stupid enough to think that idle threats make a difference? Stupid enough to reduce the military in the face of radical countries developing nuclear capability? Stupid enough to put up with stupid politicians and their stupid policies? The difference between prostitutes and politicians? Prostitutes are honest. If someone is sitting in the dark and you turn the light on and they turn it back off, just leave the room. Self righteousness will eventually result in self recrimination. I may get caught from behind, but I am not going to slow down for it. When you don`t see a problem when there is a problem then you are either part of the problem or you are the problem. A good man admits when he is wrong. This is for his own goodness sake.
An evil man because he is evil has no compulsion to admit when he is wrong and will therefore persist in his wrongness to his own destruction. If your ideals don`t reach the ground you are officially `cracked`. When you promote someone above their capability they are bound to fail. If you think you are sick when you are not sick, you are sick. Government cannot be trusted because when you open the doors there are people inside. Only fools can`t see the foolishness of their foolishness. You must demonize the opposition in order to justify their extermination.
Only stupid people cannot do basic logic. Only foolish people refuse to. Show me a politician who believes in compromise and I will show you a compromised politician. Hate and fear are siblings. The one is false strength and the other is false weakness. Satan is their father. Feminism and effeminism are two sides of the same coin. If you give a person a paycheck and opportunity they will do something. The power to tax is the power to enslave. Rebellion is the interstate to Hell. Compromise is the scenic route. Never check your character at the door. It won`t be there when you leave. People with anger management issues are the product of parents who never gave attitude adjustments. If your peace depends on disrupting the peace of others, you will never know peace. If your standing depends on undermining others you have no standing. You`ve lived too long if life is nothing more than survival. Ignore a problem only if you want it to get worse. Evil is revealed by evil to those who are not themselves evil. Censorship is the act of a desperate fascist who doubts what they believe so much that they cannot tolerate an attack against it, knowing that it would crumble. Capitalism works for people that do. Socialism works for people that don`t. Socialism is based on covetousness. The truth should be delivered concisely and pointedly so as not to be construed as lie. People don`t need to be led. They need to be free (see Jesus).
Anyone (politician) who desires power over people is unworthy of power. Before you leave, leave your testimony. Government and freedom are opposing forces. We should only give up freedom infrequently and grudgingly and only for a space of time. No accountability leads to irresponsibility. Laws are used to control the enemies of the controllers. When debt is not used to produce wealth, the debt is ultimately paid off by inflation and poverty. If you have an agenda, facts just get in the way. The wise learn better while fools learn worse. People with authority who don`t use it for good will inevitably use it for evil. When deception becomes the rule, the undeceived become pariahs. A corrupt soul is capable of justifying or condemning anything at any time based on expediency. Self-worship is a comforting thing as you never have to concern yourself with anything or anybody else. Money talks. Its the only thing that some people hear. The Truth only hurts when you are opposed to it. Government in every form is oppressive. A little must be endured. A lot must be resisted. Enabling a bully to grant you passage is servitude to him. Socialists appeal to the very worst in us and the very worst of us. Religious faith has to do with the truth of our origins. It is not necessarily connected to where we are going. Any person who obeys a leader who jeopardizes the lives of his citizens is guiltier than the fool who directed them to do it. Only a fool convinces himself that he will escape the pit others fell into when he walks their same path. It is best not to listen to the insane. They didn`t get there by accident. Whatever your persuasion will eventually persuade you. Extreme problems require extreme measures. A corrupt government will never bring itself to justice. Bitterness occurs because of inaction. Always act! → to forgive the offending individual → to destroy the offending agency We deserve what we allow. Silence is tacit approval. What makes people think that a person,
who does not know what they are saying,
knows what they are doing? Power in the hands of the arrogant always manifests as fascism. There is no bottom to the pit of insanity. When a person runs from the Lord Jesus Christ they run straight into the arms of Satan. Once you compromise you are compromised. Tax dollars are for the purpose of supporting busybodies. An expert at managing the rights of others is really just a fascist. Fascists are always fascinating. If fear is the tool, Satan is the mechanic. Deceivers deceive, and the naive believe. Federalism leads to totalitarianism. To deny the obvious is not a recommendation of one's sanity. People who castigate without specifics are specifically to be ignored. We were created to be gods, not wards. Evil is a disease which is contagious and consuming. Insanity can only be justified by the insane. In the leftist universe the truth-reality continuum is warped by ideology/expediency gravity. Integrity can't be bought back once it is sold. |