[ Created: 2023-05-24 06:39:13  Updated: 2023-05-24 08:12:20 Owner: rl ]
Title: Being set free from the flesh    


There is nothing wrong with having a Jewish heritage.   But there is nothing about being Hebrew that ingratiates a person with the Lord.   
For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of the Holy Spirit:
We are saved because the Holy Spirit willed it and made it possible and legal through the shed blood of Jesus Christ .      salvation is totally an act of His unmerited favor - Grace.     Our part is to have faith in His Word - the Written Word and the Incarnate Word .     

We have all been given The Measure Of Faith .      It is that gift of faith than enables us to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ through whom we receive Grace .     

Once we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Faith Of Christ which is a fruit of His Holy Spirit provides all the benefits of Grace .     

The Faith Of Christ is the foundation of Grace .      We are not supposed to trust in our faith but, rather, trust in the Faith Of Christ - the faith that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit .     

This is true for every person of every race, ethnicity, gender and social standing.   
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
We are not all Water Baptized the same and some believers have never been Water Baptized.     However, it is in the putting on of Christ Jesus that we are baptized into Him.     

There is no difference in us who are In Christ.

It is a fact that our heritage has tremendous effect on us in the flesh.   But there is nothing of the flesh that is acceptable to the Lord .    As a matter of fact, everything that we were born in the flesh as has been crucified with Christ.   
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of the Holy Spirit, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Water Baptism is symbolic of what actually happens in the Spirit Realm.     

Paul explains that the old Sin Nature, that we were, is dead and buried with Christ so that we, by Grace Through Faith, we are raised with Him as New Spirit beings with the opportunity and power to operate in the newness of Abundant Life .     

Jesus told us that He would make us Free Indeed.   What did He mean?   He meant that He would deliver us from everything about our physical self and make us New Creatures.   

Our physical heritage, regardless of its quality, is bondage of some sort.   Those of the lower caste have to deal with a spirit of inferiority.   Likewise those who are the most blessed by their physical heritage are in bondage to a spirit of superiority.   

It is only In Christ Jesus as New Spirit beings that we escape the lies of the flesh.   

The biggest lie is that we are defined by our flesh.   
What advantage then has the Jew?     or what profit is there of circumcision?
Our heritage is a good thing if it teaches us that there is a God.     The Jews did not have a right understanding of God but they acknowledged Him, enabling them to hear His words.

Paul, being a Jew, valued his being a Hebrew.   But it is a human trait to be proud of whatever heritage one has.   But pride only obstructs the Truth.   
But the Lord forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
Always recognize the gifts of the Lord and glory in Him who has made you, redeemed you, filled you and above all, loved you.

So, we see that being proud of our heritage is a negative thing when it comes to receiving the things of the Lord.   
But he gives more grace.     Wherefore he says, The Lord resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.
This is a Spiritual Law.     pride cuts off the flow of Grace from the Lord.     He is not offended by pride but He simply has determined that it will not be blessed and so will result in the proud being abased.     Whereas, humility opens the floodgates to the Lord's Grace enabling the humble to be lifted up.

Furthermore, the New Covenant is based on the unmerited favor of the Holy Spirit that is poured out to us through faith In Christ Jesus.   
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain kindness, and find grace to help in time of need.
There is no reason to fear the Lord Jesus in the traditional sense.     He can do no more to show His love and acceptance of us than what He did on calvary.     

Boldness comes from confidence which is just another word for faith and trust.     faith comes from hearing, believing and receiving the Word Of The Lord.     His Word reveals His love for us and it reveals His Grace to us.     

It is in understanding the Lord's Grace that we can come boldly to His throne and receive.     

Never forget that Jesus sits on the throne next to the majesty - the Holy Spirit who is in us.

If you identify as black or white or male or female or Jew or Gentile or rich or poor or master or slave or healthy or sick or intelligent or dumb or talented or untalented ..............   stop it!   
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
The Lord sees only our New Spirit which is part of Him.     That which is of the flesh is temporal and will be translated to incorruptible.

We are New Creatures In Christ Jesus and that is all that matters to the Lord.   
Make that fact all that matters to you.