[ Created: 2009-06-15 19:19:42  Updated: 2021-12-06 05:09:03 Owner: rl ]
Title: The 4th dimension of man`s Physical existence    



Unlike the dimensions of length, breadth and height in which man can move back and forth, the Time dimension is one-directional.   
A Theory of Time:


  1. Definition: A year is the amount of time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun 1 time
  2. Time is not constant (generally accepted principle in Physics)
  3. Assume the sun was much smaller and cooler in its infancy
  4. Assume there is gravitational drag in space (Dynamical friction)
  5. Assume the earth revolved on a lower orbit to the sun
  6. Assume the earth rotated at a faster rate (corresponding to its lower orbit)
  7. Conclusion: a year today is a longer period of time than it was in ages past
  • 3) is reasonable since all the universe has expanded from a single point.   Furthermore, it is reasonable that the mass of the sun was greater than it is today.   As fuel has burned (with radiation energy disipating the mass) gravity would be less today than it was in eons past.   
  • As the sun`s gravitational pull lessened, earth moved to a higher orbit.   
  • Gravitational drag may have slowed the rotation of the earth on its axis.   
  • The sun grew hotter with expansion and ignition of lower layers toward its core
  • Just as God created balances in the earth`s ecosystem, He also created a balance such that the earth moved away from the sun as it grew hotter.   Days grew longer as the earth`s rotation slowed.   Years became longer as the orbit around the sun grew higher (same or less physical speed by the earth).   Yet, the calendar remained fairly stable (365 days for a revolution).   
  • Radio-carbon dating - it is just as likely that the rate of decay has decreased as the age of the universe has increased.   As a result, the age of the universe would be overestimated and specifically the age of the earth.