[ Created: 2008-12-12 01:59:48  Updated: 2023-08-24 06:23:21 Owner: rl ]
Title: Controlling Behavior ny Rule and Law    



Regulations are a form of taxation.   

Every government regulation has a Compliance component.   Compliance means some action must be performed that was not previously being performed.   Every action requires resources.   Resources (including time) have a cost associated with them.   Hence, regulation is in effect taxation.   

Before a regulation is enacted a formal cost-benefit analysis should be run.   Regulations should not be made to address rare events as the cost impact for all the affected entities must be considered along with the cost of the infrastructure to enforce the regulation.   

Non-zero-Probability Events:

A non-zero-probability event is any event which may happen.   The orientation of our society is to eliminate negative non-zero-probability events.   This orientation is a result of propaganda originating from the following sources: Bureaucrats need new regulations as fodder for increasing the size of their domains.   The more regulations there are, the more staff that are needed.   The more staff that are needed, the more opportunities for promotion.   

Social-activists suffer from the perception that their ideas and opinions should be forced on others.   They put on an air of caring about others but in reality, they just need the reassurance that their ideas and opinions are the correct ones.   In reality, they are fascists.   

Legislators, duly elected and salaried, need to show some results for time spent.   So, they proceed to meddle in the affairs of other citizens by creating new regulations.   They listen to the social activists way too much.   

Lawyers need laws to give their lives meaning.   Without laws, there is no need for a lawyer.   The more laws, the more criminals, the more lawyers to prosecute and defend.   

Less is more:

That government is best which governs least - Paine.   

When you feed government (taxes) so that it becomes unmanageably large, don't be surprised when it turns and eats you.    - RL

The recipe for saving America is to repeal most of the legislation since 1960.   If a bureau or entitlement was created by a piece of legislation, that legislation should be the first to be repealed.    - RL

- The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life
This verse from the Bible expresses a universal truth.   It is saying that the letter of law - in all cases - kills, while the spirit that God has given us gives life.   
Without law there is no lawbreaker.   Institute a law and immediately people who were once respectable become criminals.   Behavior that was once acceptable now is deemed criminal.   We should avoid creating new laws at all cost.   

Take a lesson from the Bible.   God gave 10 commandments.   These commandments were simply to teach us that we are sinners.   No one but Christ has ever kept the 10 commandments.   Since God has not taken it upon himself to regulate mankind to death, why would Free Americans elect representatives to put us in Regulation Bondage?   

Regulation is bondage.   

Regulation only works on those willing to be regulated.   

The biggest group of criminalia in the world is found in government who steal money from the people and then use it to restrict the freedoms of the people.