Conservatism is a position of honest realism.
A conservative tends to state their basic positions apart from the fervor of their religion. This causes them to be less effective in general than the liberal who rants their political views with religious fervor.
The essence of political Conservatism is:
The fundamentals of conservatism ( Terence P. Jeffrey ):
- God's Law Governs Nations as Well as Men.
- Life Is the First God-Given Right
- Marriage and Family Come Before the State and Deserve Its Protection
- Freedom of Conscience is the Soul of Liberty
- Private Property is the Servant of Freedom
- Government Dependency is the Seed of Tyranny
- The Constitution Means What It Says
- Taxes Are Justified Only to Fund Necessary Government Spending
- National Defense Is Just That
- We Should Strive to Give Our Children a Better Country
Liberalism is anti-Conservatism.