[ Created: 2010-07-18 08:40:58  Updated: 2022-11-02 08:23:24 Owner: rl ]
Title: Good News of the Kingdom of God    



Gospel means Good News.   

Therefore, if it is not Good it is not part of the Gospel.   

The Revelation of and Manifestation of God`s Love is the essence of the Gospel.   

Grace means unmerited Favor.   

The Gifts below are aspects of God`s Grace.   

Salvation is a Gift.   

Health is a Gift.   

Prosperity is a Gift.   

Abundant , Eternal Life is a Gift.   

The Holy Spirit is a Gift.   

Power and Authority to administer God`s Grace is a Gift.   

Heaven is a Gift.   

God`s part is Grace and it is Finished.   

Our part is to Receive.   

What Great News !   

It`s an offer you can`t refuse!   


Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.    - What precisely was Jesus saying about Himself?   

1.   Way - We come to God through Him

2.   Truth - We learn the truth about God through Him

3.   Life - We receive the life of God through Him

Regardless of how religious a person may be, how much they study, how much they pray, how much they desire God, how good they are, how much good they do, it is impossible to find another Way to God, or to know the Truth about God or to experience the Life of God apart from Christ Jesus.   

When you couple this profound statement by our Lord with this one:

Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.   Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls.    - you have the Gospel.   

And the Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation.   

When we share the unadulterated Gospel , the Holy Spirit takes our words and performs the supernatural work of conversion.   

Be direct.   Be clear.   Be unapologetic.   Be Light in the Darkness around you.   

20200619 - `Things` By reducing the Gospel to just `being saved from hell" we have disemboweled it of its power to transform this life and produce wealth in the lives of believers.   What exactly did Jesus mean by "all these things" and " Abundant Life"?   

In Christ we are children of Creator God who owns all things, who made Christ heir of all things, who has made us co-heirs with Him.   Change your thinking, change your life.   

Socialism promises `things` and makes converts.   Jesus promised `things` through connection with the creator of all `things`.   They are beating us at our own game!   

Preach and teach the whole Gospel!   

Jesus came preaching repentance.   Repentance from what?   The sin of unbelief.   

The Jews had a wrong understanding of God and so did not believe God.   

Jesus is the Truth about God.   

There was considerable misunderstanding of God reflected in the Old Testament, even by the men of God.   Jesus said that we have to search the scriptures (when He said this, the Old Testament was the only scripture) looking for the references of Him.   And it was those references that enabled them to find eternal life.   

Repent of wrong theology and believe the Gospel and only the Gospel.   
    The Old Covenant was not good news.   
    The New Covenant is good news.