As we watch the economic disaster created by incompetent government oversight and overregulation, it is amazing to watch that same entity destroy the world of information management.
Information that is not accessible is useless. The basis for NIST guidelines is to deny access to information. It does nothing to facilitate access to information.
The cost of doing business in support of government-sponsored information gathering (research) will sky-rocket as a result of these regulations. Who will pay for this? The same folks who will pay the economic bailout costs - taxpayers.
It is amazing how once great America now elevates to positions of leadership, complete idiots! These are people who by and large have never done anything practical in their lives - simply gone to school, published some papers and entered into an idealistic dreamworld of contrived bureaucratic solutions. These are people who do not care about cost, benefit, efficiency, productivity. They build their empires on the backs of the people, sacrificing public interest on the altar of government.
Just a reminder - every dollar the government spends is a dollar that you don't get to spend - that is, unless you are a government employee, or worse-yet, a welfare recipient! |