[ Created: 2008-12-12 01:59:48  Updated: 2023-09-06 14:49:51 Owner: rl ]
Title: DEMagogues, Obamanators, Crack-pots, and RATS    



What exactly are democrats?   

Idealistic, malicious underminers of American principles of faith, freedom and personal responsibility.   

The democratic party rallys support by making its adherents feel superior to its detractors.   It's detractors are:

- racist
- sexist
- illiterate
- bigoted
- religious fanatics
- gun toting yahoos
- greedy capitalists
- environment polluters
- animal abusers

None of the above applies but then again, they specialize in lying with bravado so that people buy it.   

Their adherents are mostly delusional denying the realities of debt (30trillion), murder (abortion), enslavement (welfare), islamic goal (sharia), moral corruption (drugs, sex), socialism (communism), etc.   

The democratic party and Islam share a common principle:

The truth is whatever advances the cause.   

You cannot trust either of them.   The only way to deal with a liar is to write them off.   The father of lies is satan.   Liars become the children of satan.   

The democratic party and Islam also agree on Jesus.   

Fact: Jesus is the way the TRUTH and the life.   

Islam rejects Jesus as the Son of God.   The Democrats elevated other religions to have equal standing with Christianity.   This my friends is the spirit of anti-Christ.   Do not be deceived!   This democratic party is NOT J F K's party nor is it HST's nor is it FDR's.   

Kennedy was assassinated because he really wasn't a democrat ala LBJ.   

" Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

LBJ introduced the "great society" - a place where leeches are bred.   

" Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you."

In reading the article, Invoking God, it comes to me that what happened to the Democratic party is that it had the Seed of Compromise in it.   

Compromise always takes a person from where they are to a different place.   Most of the time the implications of Compromise are ignored in Favor of short term 'gains'.   

Not proclaiming one's Faith is the worst Compromise of all as it lays the Foundation for all subsequent Compromises.   

The solution for a life messed up by Compromise is always Repentance and only Repentance.