I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. |
★ Alpha and Omega - what He says
★ beginning and the end - what He does
★ first and the last - who He is
Lord is the term the Hebrews used instead of speaking YHVH the name they assigned to the Creator, the breath of life.
The Hebews used other names to describe the functions that the Creator performed or His characteristics.
All the names of deity that occur in scripture were attempts at understanding our Creator.
Jesus is the Truth about our Creator. He came to settle the issues and questions surrounding the concept of `God`.
Those who would seek `God` must find Him In Christ Jesus. This is what Jesus meant when He talked about the Strait Gate and the Narrow Way.
The Gospel is the good news that `God` is not just our Creator but that He is also our Saviour, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Hope and our very Life.
The Gospel is the revelation of `God` In Christ Jesus, that Jesus Is Lord.
To receive Christ Jesus is to believe that He is the eternal, Creator God, our Lord and Saviour.