Rebellion    [ Created: 2008-10-27 21:58:49  Updated: 2018-08-06 08:06:46   Owner: rl ]
Title: Rebellion and Non-Conformity
Rebellion against convention is itself a convention. There is nothing novel in Rebellion . It has been a mainstay of Human Behavior for thousands of years. One Only Needs to step away from the moment and view Human experience over the expanse of Time to See this.

Essentially, Rebellion reflects the Human Desire for Independence - a rejection of Authority or the status-quo. Somehow it always appears to be glamorous though there is no record where Rebellion against Social convention improved anything. More often than Not , a New convention was developed demonstrating a different set of faults and very often less Virtue than the one it supplanted.

New Value Systems are typically reconstituted forms of old Value Systems disguised by New terminology by people Ignorant of the Fact they are repeating the steps of an earlier people. The excitement that such movements generate is based on Human curiosity and low thresholds for boredom.

1 Samuel 15:23
For Rebellion is as the Sin of Witchcraft , and stubbornness is as Iniquity and Idolatry . Because thou hast rejected the Word of the Lord , he hath also rejected thee from being King .