Any system of beliefs or values    
Philosophy is the vain attempt to understand by intelligence what is only understandable by spiritual revelation.   

As such, it is the anemic sibling of religion.   

It is a feeble concoction of ramblings down roads that lead nowhere except to confusion and depression.   

Show me a philosopher with no religious conviction and Iïll show You a pathetic fool.   
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Do not let Grace Through Faith become tainted by the rationalizations of legalism.     

Neither should we allow the worldly philosophers to promote their godless, satanic ideas without pushback.     

To beware is to be at war against any ideas and promoters of ideas that come against the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.     

When an army spoils a country they take the things they can carry and destroy the rest.     

Vain philosophies are out to do just that and they should be met with the Word and Holy Spirit.