[ Created: 2010-07-18 08:50:54  Updated: 2023-04-04 21:24:24 Owner: rl ]
Title: Celebrating Resurrection Day - Sunday April 29, 31AD Nissan 18    



Is anyone else confused by the overly complex computation of the Easter holiday?   I thought for many years that it moved around to keep up with Passover.   Now I find out that these two holidays do not coincide!   

It's long past time for Christianity to institute its own annual celebration of the greatest event in the history of man - the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.   

I suggest we celebrate April 29 as Resurrection Day when all Christians can celebrate this wonderful event.   Furthermore, let's celebrate April 25 as Crucifixion Day !   

That way, everyone will know when to plan their celebration each year.   This greatest event will no longer be tied to the Heathen nature-worship term, Easter.   Furthermore, Jews will have the constant reminder that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is alive.   

I challenge Christians everywhere to make this happen.   Here's all that you need to do:

Why April 29?   
  • Jesus began His ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius.   
  • Tiberius began his reign in 14AD.   
  • So, Jesus began His ministry in 28AD
  • Jesus ministered for years (3 different Passovers are mentioned)
  • So, Jesus ministry ended in 31AD
  • Jesus had to be in the grave 3 full days - 3 days and 3 nights
  • He was already arisen by early Sunday morning (1st day of week)
  • So, He arose after the end of the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday 6:00PM)
  • Back up 3 full days from Saturday 6:00PM and you come to Wednesday 6:00PM
  • So, Christ was crucified on a Wednesday in 31AD.   
  • The next day was a Sabbath (Passover) but not the weekly Sabbath
  • Jesus was the Passover Lamb of God.   
  • Nissan 14 31AD was a Wednesday and Nissan 15 31AD was Passover
  • So, Jesus was Crucified on Nissan 14 31AD which is April 25, 31AD
  • Jesus arose on Nissan 18AD after 6:00PM which is April 29 31AD