[ Created: 2008-12-12 01:59:48  Updated: 2008-12-12 06:59:48 Owner: rl ]
Title: Big Purses (for the elite)    


The editorial below was in reference to a $20,000 to win race held at Clary's Speedway in 2006:
2006-07-06 - (re Clary's $20k to win race) - $20,000 to win sounds good but the reality is that only 1 car will win.   If you want to impress fans with the payout, advertise the total purse.   Looks like the $20k race will have a SLM payout around $40 which is twice as impressive as $20k. The racers know the scoop - what the pay is down the line and what their projected winnings/expenses will be.   

Racers with limited budgets that have even a small amount of brains know that the possibility of winning against Bloomquist, Pearson and the like is almost zero.   Whether or not it is the intent of track owners and series promoters to eliminate the small budget racer at the SLM level isn't important.   The fact is that 80% of the SLM racers will never be able to pay for the gas and tires they use up each race with the current state of affairs in track and series payoffs.   It's just a matter of time before those racers pack it in (assuming purses stay top-heavy).   

By the way, I understand there were 26 SLM cars last night.   That's exactly 2 more than should have shown up from the racer's perspective since those 2 have to contribute their entry fees to the $20k winner.   I plan come to the race tomorrow to watch the SLM demolition derby (my car will remain safely in the trailer).   It should be a great show for the fans!