[ Created: 2008-09-06 21:27:28  Updated: 2022-08-06 22:03:41 Owner: rl ]
Title: Microsoft's.   NET Fiasco     
Microsoft persists in trying to strangle the computing world with its assinine software redesigning cycles.   

It is unbelievable how unintuitive, perverse and downright idiotic the whole.   NET framework is.   Structure, syntax, supportability, code-sharing, you name it - all have gone by the board.   

I have been doing some development with the S Q L C E tools.   It took roughly two weeks to create an environment for me to open an existing SDF file.   Primarily the reason is lack of downward compatibility in the file structures ( unbelievable!    ).   As I wrestled to get DLL 's in place to access earlier version SDF files over top of a more recent version of the.   NET framework days passed and frustration rose.   

Once I finally cleared that hurdle, it was on to the distinctly unfriendly world of data access through data adapters .   I never had to use a data adapter in any other programming environment.   Such a stupid way to address resource utilization.   Why not make the disconnect command clear up resources on the server side?   No, let's make the programmer do all of that on a per adapter basis.