[ Created: 2023-05-04 09:05:23  Updated: 2023-05-04 10:06:27 Owner: rl ]
Title: The act of dumbing down on purpose.   to make someone stupid    


Stupid is an offensive word.   No one likes to be called stupid.   

There are some people born with mental deficiencies resulting in them manifesting stupidity.   
Such are not the subject of this article.   

Stupification means that a person who was not born with mental deficiencies is transformed into a stupid person by eternal means.   

Why would one person want to stupidly another?   

Cohesion is the tendency to stick together.   
Unity is a good thing even if the objective of the unity is evil.   

Control is the power to direct or manage something or someone.   
Control is necessary to be able to direct resources toward a goal.   

In every situation where people come together cohesively there is give and take.   We give up some minor independence for the sake of the benefits of unity.   

Control is an altogether different matter.   When control is exercised there is no willful submission to the controller's goal.   Rather, the controller considers the goal more important than the wishes of the controlled.   

In both cohesion and control there is the threat of stupification.   
    Have you ever let something slide in order to not to offend someone?   
    Have you ever submitted to something because you trusted the person you were submitting to?   

So, we see how easy it is for us to be stupefied in just the normal course of life.   
Any time we surrender our will against our reservations or instincts we are in a sense, becoming stupefied.   

If we willingly submit for the objective of cohesiveness there is at least something admirable about it.   

However, if we are forced to submit there is no spiritual benefit to the submissive whatsoever.   

Have you ever said to yourself: 'I knew better than that.'
Such reflects a situation whereby one stupefied oneself.   

But such temporary lapses are not the concern of this article.   The focus of this article is intentional, planned, consistent stupification for the purpose of control.   

For anyone who has seen the movie 'Gaslight' you understand what gaslighting means.   For those who have not seen it, gaslighting is persistently imposing a negative impression on a person for the purpose of making the impression a reality to the subject.   

Here are some foundational realities:

There are two forces at play in the world whether or not a person chooses to realize it:

There are two religions in the world whether or not a person chooses to believe it:

There are two beings from which the forces emanate whether or not a person chooses to believe it:
    Christ Jesus

Ignoring these foundational realities is the first act of stupification.   
All other steps in stupification follow from that act.   

All the inputs to your senses can contribute to stupification.   We are not to trust inputs to these senses when they conflict with the foundational realities above.