[ Created: 2023-05-08 10:00:36  Updated: 2023-12-12 08:11:30 Owner: rl ]
Title: A person who believes in God, worships God and follows God    



So, you have never heard of this term before?   

I came up with it in observing how so many people call upon God, praise God and thank God.   
I think that makes them Godians.   (Not to be confused with Chiism)

But, you say, "We are actually referring to Jesus."
Why don`t you then use His proper name instead of a generic term for deity?   

Some will accuse me of nitpicking.   
But the Truth is that `God` apart from Jesus is unknowable and unreachable.   

It is also impolite to refer to a person by their function or their attributes rather than their name.   

Jesus is the name of the only true and living God.   

There is power in the name Jesus.   
There is no power in the term `God`.   

When we pray we speak to the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus using His proper name, Jesus.   

To circumvent or ignore the person of Christ Jesus is a form of denial.   

Either Jesus is God or He isn`t.   

If Jesus is God, please talk directly to Him as a person rather than some obscure entity that has existence apart from Jesus.   

Jesus is Spirit Soul And Body just as we who were created in His image are Spirit Soul And Body.   

I am not three persons in one and neither is Jesus.   He is a Spirit with a Soul and a Body.   

Our Creator (Jesus) manifested Himself in flesh and is referred to as Immanuel or ` God with us`.   

I am convinced that honoring the name of Jesus is the only way to honor God.   
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Who gave Jesus this power and authority?     
His Holy Spirit who had birthed Him, annointed Him and raised Him from the dead is the source of all things and Jesus is His express image.     

If all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus there is no power or authority left for any other being in the universe.     
This means that He and He alone is
    Mighty God
    Everlasting Father

This verse speaks to the singleness of God as manifested in Christ Jesus.     In the next verse Jesus tells us to teach and baptize people in His name as He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
This means that all other religions are false.     They do not lead to the Lord Jesus Christ our Creator and Saviour.     

This is not a Politically Correct verse, but the Lord does not concern Himself with man`s politics or his opinions.     

God came to earth and we call Him Jesus.     
To deny Jesus is to deny God.     
To deny Jesus who is the Truth is to deny the Truth and so believe a lie.     

For this reason we are to preach the Gospel to every creature throughout the world .     

Christianity has taken a very narrow view and understanding of salvation, limiting it to the spirit of man that is renewed by faith in Christ Jesus.     

Jesus did not talk about or deal exclusively with eternity.     He dealt with the Human Condition in the Physical Realm by healing, by delivering, by teaching and, when necessary, by feeding the hungry.     So, we need to understand that Christ came to make us whole in every aspect of our existence.

But why dost thou judge thy brother?     or why dost thou set at nought thy brother?     for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
It is clear that we are not to judge one another as to our standing with Christ.     We each will stand before Him at His judgment seat.

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved.
What is the `name of the Lord`?     Jesus.     

What does it mean to `call upon the name of the Lord`?     It means to come to the Creator calling Him by His name, Jesus, to plea for salvation.     

God is just the generic name for deity.     
Calling upon God will not save anyone.     

Jesus is the express image of the only true and living God.     It is only in the name, Jesus, that anyone is saved.     
    Jesus is the name of His Holy Spirit Father.     

Understanding this gives real meaning to this important verse which declares the power of salvation in the name of Jesus.     

When a person acknowledges that Jesus is Lord by calling on His name, His Holy Spirit performs the work of salvation in the heart of the caller.

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Only the Lord is worthy of worship.     His creation should never be worshipped even though there are millions of people around the world who are environmentalists, Nature Lovers, Earth Lovers and Animal Lovers who never give the Creator the time of day .     

The Holy Spirit`s pleasure is to give His kingdom to His joint heirs of Christ Jesus .     

So, we see clearly that there is no other being than Christ Jesus who can save us, who is worthy of worship.   

If you are one, stop being a Godian and get serious about being a Christian.   
Use the name, Jesus, early and often.   Speak in the name of Jesus.   You will begin to see results as His Holy Spirit responds to His name.   

If you don`t believe that Jesus is God then you likely believe that people can get to God without receiving Jesus.   

Furthermore if you believe in a God other than Christ Jesus, you are not really a Christian - you are a G O Dian.   

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ Jesus.   

The Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus only responds to the name of Jesus.  Why?  Because that is His name.   

You will stand before Christ Jesus.  He will receive you or reject you.  No one else will be involved in the judgment.   

Jesus is Lord of all and He is King of Kings.  All power in heaven and earth is His.   

Stop deferring to or calling on any other deity.  Get your theology straight and walk in the power of our risen Lord. 

Jesus is coming back.  Not some other deity.