The scope and power of this verse is mind-boggling. And because its implications are limitless, most believers cannot wrap their heads around it.
The secret to accessing those Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places is
→ that we believe the Word Of The Lord
→ that we believe the power of Christ Jesus is in us
If you are weak in the Word or Holy Spirit faith you will not see this verse work in your life.
It is In Christ that we manifest Christ.
Who is Christ Jesus?
→ He is the Incarnate Word
→ He is the image of His Holy Spirit.
Christ Jesus is the First Fruit. We are the fruit that comes from His seed.
★ We are to become an incarnation of the Word.
★ We are to become the image of the Holy Spirit.
If we are conformed to the image of Christ Jesus we will manifest as Christ Jesus manifested.
If we resist being conformed or are too lazy or preoccupied to be conformed, we will not manifest Christ Jesus. Our faith will be broken.
We receive the faith that produces works
→ by hearing the Word Of The Lord
→ by receiving the Holy Spirit fruit of faith.
We operate in the faith that produces works by knowingly and willingly exercising the Word in Faith.