Religion , Culture and Politics .
They are a continuum. For the non-mathematician a continuum is anything that has no breaks, no interruptions.
In other words: Religion , Culture and Politics are inextricably entertwined.
In Fact , a person`s Politics flows from the expectations of their desired Culture which in turn flows from its Religion ( what they Believe in ).
No Religion is the Religion of self-worship.
In America today we See a battle waging in Religion. On one hand is Christianity. On the other is Secular Humanism.
Christianity is based in Freedom which Christ has given us - Freedom from the penalty and Guilt of Sin , Freedom from Sickness and Disease , Freedom from Fear , Freedom from the limitations of Physical Reality.
Christianity is underpinned by God the Creator and His Son Christ Jesus who is the guarantor of those Freedoms. The Spiritual Realm is more real than the Physical Realm
Secular Humanism is based in man as an end to Himself - able with proper leadership ( by man ) to eventually solve All man`s ills.
Secular Humanism is underpinned Only by man. There is no Spiritual Realm ( that makes any difference ).
Secular Humanism has no plans for the afterlife. Death is final.
Christianity is All about Eternity and the promise by our Creator that we Will be Transformed with incorruptible Physical bodies at His appearing.
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.