Job did not live under the New Covenant. His experience is not informative of anything under Grace.
More people have been misled by improper treatment of this book than any other in the Old Testament.
The book of Job is not the Truth about anything.
The book of Job is simply an expression of how man, apart from spiritual revelation of the Truth, comes up with theories, explanations and opinions that blaspheme the Holy Spirit (accuse Him of being anything other than good, loving and giving).
I pronounce `j o b` as `j-ah-b` rather than `j-oh-b` as it has done a job on many people`s faith turning it into fatalism. (See Calvinism)
One of Job's most famous statements was: "though he slay me yet I will serve him".
Think about this.
→ how could he serve Him if he was dead?
→ what does is say about God who would slay a good man?
→ Job comes off as more righteous than God
Job flat out did not know God. He created the God he believed in from his imagination.