[ Created: 2023-04-24 08:18:05  Updated: 2023-04-24 14:57:47 Owner: rl ]
Title: Jesus is the first Spirit Man - human translated from physical to spiritual    


The original state of Christ Jesus is rather mysterious in that His form is not discussed in scripture in any detail.   There were appearances of Him in the Old Testament from time to time with each being considered a Theophany.   

We do know that He is the eternal Word and that He is One with His Holy Spirit .   

Since man was made in the image of the Word, when the Word became flesh, He ( Jesus) looked like a man .   

Jesus' physical limitations prevented the fullness of the glory of the Holy Spirit from manifesting in Jesus .   

Once Jesus fulfilled His purpose on earth, by dying and being raised from the dead by His Holy Spirit, He was glorified by receiving a spirit body so becoming the first Spirit Man .   

A Spirit Man is a spirit with a body in the shape of man.   Because he is spirit he is able to fellowship with the Holy Spirit while existing in a visible, touchable body.   

Jesus is the firstfruit, the first Spirit Man, but we are also born into His Holy Spirit .    When we are translated at the appearing of Christ Jesus we too will become Spirit Man with our redemption being complete .   

The difference between us and Christ Jesus is that He is the eternal Word, the eternal Spirit being, while we are New Spirit beings created In Christ unto good works .   

But we are of the same Spirit - the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus.