Only thieves, liars and hypocrites can be presumptuous. Such people pretend to be what they are not and seek what belongs to others, taking it for themselves. It is covetousness, Self Worship and idolatry.
Satan, the chief liar and father of all liars is also a thief. He comes to steal. Believers are able to see how he steals life from those in bondage to him.
But believers are not immune to his lying and stealing. Jesus repeatedly emphasized:
→ knowing the Truth
→ being set free
→ having faith
Satan does not want us to grasp these fundamental teachings of Christ because he knows the power that is in them.
How many believers have fully received the Truth?
How many believers are Free Indeed?
How many believers literally believe what Jesus said?
To get at the answers to these questions we must know what is implied by each of the terms, Truth, Free Indeed and Believe.
Jesus is the Truth about what we refer to as 'God'. But He is also the Truth about us and our potential, particularly in the New Birth.
Free Indeed is being completely unfettered, not only from sin, but from the principalities in High Places - ideas, opinions, policies implementing social and political pressure.
Furthermore, it is being free from the opinions of other believers.
Believing the Word Of The Lord to the extent that we speak it and do it is how we manifest our Faith in the Lord.
One of the most amazing statements in the Bible was not spoken directly by Christ Jesus but by His Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul:
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: |
Wherefore the Father also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:  |
Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. |
Not only is it is not presumptuous of a believer to have the Mind Of Christ, but we are commanded to have it. We can exercise no effective authority or power by ourselves. It is by the Word and Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus that we will be effective for the Kingdom.
→ stop believing the lies of Satan
→ take back the truth that he has stolen
→ be free of other people's opinions
→ have faith in the Word Of The Lord and the power of His Holy Spirit
→ go forth in the name of Jesus and exercise His Holy Spirit power.