Notice that Jesus did not say that 'God' was resisted. He said that the Holy Spirit was resisted.
When Moses came down from the mount, the children of Israel had built themselves a physical idol and claimed that the physical idol had delivered them from Egypt.
People are Carnal Minded and want everything in their lives to be physical. A spirit god was unacceptable to them.
Flash forward to today. How many believers in Christ Jesus resist His Holy Spirit?
Most believers are Carnal Minded and want a physical god.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.
Jesus is Mighty God and He is the Everlasting Father.
Jesus is Spirit Soul And Body. His Spirit is the Holy Spirit.
To resist the Holy Spirit is to resist Christ Jesus.
Resisting the Holy Spirit
→ was going on throughout the Old Testament,
→ is what was going on during Jesus' earthly ministry and
→ it is going on today.
Repentance is necessary.
Being Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ is necessary.
Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit is necessary.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. |