But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. |
A gift must be received in order for us to 'have' it. So it is with the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus who is the Gift Of Christ.
Those who would blaspheme the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus receive no measure of the Gift Of Christ and are accordingly, eternally damned.
Those who relegate the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus to the third person of the godhead only receive a small measure of the Gift Of Christ and are thus weak, denying the power.
While those who understand who the Holy Spirit is, who welcome Him, who fellowship with Him, who allow Him to pray for and through them, who submit to His guidance, they receive a greater and greater measure of the Gift Of Christ.
We were created to be filled with the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus who is the eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Creator of all things by His Word, Christ Jesus.
Eternal Life and Abundant Life come by the Gift Of Christ.
The amount of Grace we experience is directly related to The Measure Of The Gift Of Christ that we receive and operate in.