[ Created: 2023-04-11 08:00:38  Updated: 2023-04-11 08:11:42 Owner: rl ]
Title: How many baptisms are there?    


One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
It is simple and powerfule
One Lord - Christ Jesus who is Creator and Saviour
One Faith - Salvation by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus
One Baptism - To be BaptizedInTheNameOfJesus Christ

How can there be only One Baptism if there is Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism?   

For a person to become Born Again of the Holy Spirit they must receive Christ Jesus by Heart Faith as Saviour and Lord and confess His death and resurrection.   
That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that He has raised Himself from the dead, you shall be saved.
This is the encapsulation of Grace, clearly pointing out our part which is faith in Jesus and confession of Him as risen Lord and Saviour.     

The implication of our part being to believe on Jesus Christ and confess Him as risen Lord, is that He has done everything else!     
It is why we call it amazing Grace!     
It is why the gospel is nearly too good to be true!     

Who raised Jesus from the dead?     
He raised Himself by His Holy Spirit .     

For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
It is Heart Faith that enables the miracle of the New Birth.     

It is our personal confession of Jesus as mighty Creator and loving Saviour that seals that miracle.

In the verses above Paul is not speaking of Water Baptism or even Spirit Baptism.   
He is speaking of being Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ.   
He is talking about being immersed into Christ Jesus by absorbing His Word and being filled with His Holy Spirit.   
This is the New Creature, New Spirit being existence that we take on in Christ Jesus.