[ Created: 2023-04-11 07:04:18  Updated: 2023-04-11 07:58:06 Owner: rl ]
Title: Is there a heavenly Father other than the one who birthed Jesus and us?    


Trinitarians make a difference between the Father and the Holy Spirit.   I believe this confusion occurs because they do not grasp the import of these verses:
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.
Faith in the virgin birth is necessary for believing properly in Jesus.     If Jesus was born of of sinful man he would have been disqualified as Saviour.     

It is also necessary for you to believe in the deity of Jesus in order to be saved.     He is the express image of the Father.     He is the one who has all power in heaven and earth.     He is the mighty the Lord, the everlasting Father and the Prince of peace.     

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, you son of David, fear not to take unto you Mary your wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was fathered by the Holy Spirit.     Later when we hear Jesus talk about the Father, He is talking about the Holy Spirit.

And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of the Holy Spirit.
Since the Holy Spirit birthed Jesus, the last phrase in this verse could be rendered: the Son of the Holy Spirit.     
the Lord is the generic term for divinity.     
the Lord is Spirit .     
Divinity is Spirit.     
The supreme divine Spirit is the Holy Spirit
Christ Jesus is the image of the Holy Spirit.     
Jesus is the Lord.     

These verses clearly state that the Holy Spirit is the Father of Christ Jesus.   

When we consider the following statements by Christ Jesus we understand that Jesus is His own Father, by His Holy Spirit.   He birthed Himself.   
I and my Father are one.
yes!     The whole Truth comes out.     

Jesus is the Lord (deity).     

God (deity) is Jesus.     

God (deity) is Spirit, hence He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit made Himself a physical body and we call Him Jesus .     
It is through the body and soul of Jesus that the Holy Spirit expresses Himself in the Physical Realm.     

There are not three.     There is One and His name is Jesus the express image of the Holy Spirit .     
Do you know the name of the Father?     
Do you know the name of the Holy Spirit?     
Do you know the name of the Son?     

There is One name of the One Creator and His name is Jesus.     
It is in that name that we are saved.     It is in that name that we are healed.     It is in that name that all who reject Him will be judged.     

Just as you are Spirit Soul And Body, so is our Lord in whose image we were created and by whose sacrifice we are redeemed.     

No man has seen the Holy Spirit at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Holy Spirit, he has declared him.
I rather think that the Holy Spirit has not ever been 'seen' and cannot be 'seen'.     Jesus revealed the Holy Spirit by operating in the Holy Spirit, speaking His words and doing His works.     

Jesus is Spirit, soul and body.     

Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit who gave birth to Him.     Jesus is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and so He, in a sense, is His own Father.     

Jesus' Holy Spirit begat His body and fills Him, and crowns Him and manifests Himself ( Holy Spirit) physically in Jesus.     

Being in the bosom of the Father speaks to the Soul and Body of Jesus resting in His own Holy Spirit.

If you had known me, you should have known my Father also: and from henceforth you know him, and have seen him.
To know Jesus is to know the Father.     To not know Jesus is to be unknown to the Father.     Jesus is the express image of the Father who is the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip?     he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father?
Jesus states categorically who He is - the express image of the Father.     

Clearly Jesus is the Father.   But we said earlier that the Holy Spirit is the Father.   How can this be?   

Our Creator is Spirit Soul And Body just as we are who were created in His image .   
And the Holy Spirit of peace sanctify you wholly; so that your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Lord sanctifies us wholly making us Accepted In The Beloved, His own self.     

The Holy Spirit will preserve us guilt free in anticipation of the completion of our redemption at Jesus' return.

Our spirit is greater than our soul and body.   The same is true of our Creator.   
You have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If you loved me, you would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Holy Spirit Father is greater than I.
Do we grasp the implication of what Jesus is saying here?     
He is saying that if we really love someone, we will rejoice when they go to the Father.     
Why?     Because the Father is greater than anything on earth.     

To begrudge a person going to be with the Father is selfish and unloving.     

Since the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ, Jesus is talking about leaving the confines of his human physical body and returning to the Spirit Realm (heaven) where His Holy Spirit and His glory are most evident.

Our Creator is first and foremost Spirit.   
The Lord is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
The Lord is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit is the Lord.     

Any Worship that does not acknowledge the Holy Spirit does not acknowledge the Lord.     Such worship is futile.     

The Word Of The Lord is Truth.     

Any Worship that does not honour the Truth does not acknowledge the Lord.     Such worship is futile.

Our Creator, in being the Holy Spirit, manifests Himself through the soul and body of Christ Jesus.   
No man has seen the Holy Spirit at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Holy Spirit, he has declared him.
I rather think that the Holy Spirit has not ever been 'seen' and cannot be 'seen'.     Jesus revealed the Holy Spirit by operating in the Holy Spirit, speaking His words and doing His works.     

Jesus is Spirit, soul and body.     

Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit who gave birth to Him.     Jesus is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and so He, in a sense, is His own Father.     

Jesus' Holy Spirit begat His body and fills Him, and crowns Him and manifests Himself ( Holy Spirit) physically in Jesus.     

Being in the bosom of the Father speaks to the Soul and Body of Jesus resting in His own Holy Spirit.

Here Jesus is saying that He is the manifestation, the image, of the Holy Spirit.   

So, we must conclude that our Creator is One Lord just as was stated here:
Hear, O Israel: The Lord, our Lord is one Lord:
How much plainer can it be made?     There are not three gods or persons, there is only one being who is Lord and His name is Jesus.     

Jesus Is Lord

When you read or hear the word, Lord, think Jesus.

Our Creator is Word and Spirit.   He is the living Word, Christ Jesus, whose Spirit is the Holy Spirit.   
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the Holy Spirit, and the Word was the Holy Spirit.
There is One eternal Creator who is spirit who manifests Himself in Christ Jesus.     
Our Creator is a spirit.     
The Holy Spirit is Creator.     
Jesus is the body and soul of the Holy Spirit.     
The Father is the One who creates and begets
Jesus was begotten of the Holy Spirit.     
Jesus is the express image of the Father.     
In Jesus dwells the fullness of the Holy Spirit bodily.     

So, the Holy Spirit is the Father who manifests Himself in the body and soul of His Son, Christ Jesus.

The same was in the beginning with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the physical manifestation the Holy Spirit.     Before Jesus was born in the flesh, He existed as the image of the Holy Spirit in heaven and on earth though His form may have changed as needed.     
These physical manifestations of preincarnate Jesus are called theophanies.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Jesus is the eternal and Incarnate Word who spoke and the Holy Spirit created all things.

We are birthed into the Kingdom Of Christ by the Word and the Holy Spirit .    So Jesus is both our Father and our brother as His body was birthed by the Holy Spirit and we are Born Again by His Holy Spirit and Word.   

There is only One Father and He is Christ Jesus our Lord who is the Holy Spirit, Soul and Body of our Creator, Saviour, Lord and King.