[ Created: 2023-01-21 06:35:12  Updated: 2023-01-21 07:18:40 Owner: rl ]
Title: Who is God and why should we even think about Him    


If you ask any person from any part of the world about God they will share with you their thinking on Him, their understanding of Him.   

Even amongst Christians there are varying descriptions of God and many doctrinal differences resulting in denominations.   

'God' is simply a term for deity.   All peoples throughout history have had one or more deities that they worshipped.   

Even the Jewish people from which our Bible and our Lord Jesus Christ issue are confused about God.   

We should reject the notion of God as some nebulous, bipolar manipulator of events and people's lives.   

What?   Forsake God?   How can a minister propose such an action?   

If you read what I said above carefully you see that I was describing false gods with adjectives that are no descriptive of the true and living God.   And to make it clear, any god that is not Christ Jesus is a false god.   

Jesus is the Truth about deity.   He is the express image of deity.   There is no deity other than Christ Jesus.   

Most Christians worship three gods
Father (?)
Son ( Jesus)
Holy Spirit (?)

They call 'it' the Trinity.   This is simply polytheism with a nice term stuck on it.   

Why was Jesus rejected by the Jews who are the descendants of the men who wrote the Old Testament?   
Because He was not like the God they believed in.   

The Old Testament does not present the Truth about God.   It represents man's experiences and extrapolations from isolated interactions with God, filled with misunderstandings about Him.   

This is why God Himself had to come to earth to clarify who He is, what He values, what He expects and what He offers to humanity.   Jesus is the incarnation of the deity referred to as God.   

Since the term 'God' has so many different meanings to so many different people, it should be abandoned in favor of the name of deity which is Jesus.   Furthermore, believers in Christ Jesus aught to focus on the New Testament for doctrine using the Old Testament only as it supports New Testament doctrine.   Listen to what Jesus said about the Old Testament scriptures.   
Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. -
The Bible is Inspired but not everything in it is the Word Of God.     Many passages are accounts of what happened and how it was perceived by men.     

The Spoken Word Of God is contained in the Bible.     Jesus said you must search the Scriptures for references to the Christ which Testify of Jesus.     It is in Christ that we find Eternal Life.

There is no intersection between Law and Grace.   They are mutually exclusive.   
The Old Testament is about the Law and performance based relationship with the Lord.   It served to incriminate every human being.   
The New Testament is about Grace and how the Lord reconciled us to Himself unilaterally.   It is about the love of Christ Jesus and the infilling of His Holy Spirit to make us New Spirit beings.   

So, glorify our deity who is Christ Jesus and worship Him in Spirit (His Holy Spirit) and Truth (His Words).   
But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. -
To Fellowship with God, to be One with God, requires us to be Spirit Filled () and to be Word Transformed ().     

The Holy Spirit is God ( ).     
The Word is God ( Christ Jesus).     
So, for us to please God in our Worship of Him, we enter into Him by the Holy Spirit and we enter into agreement with Him by His Word.

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. -
God is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit is God.     

Any Worship that does not acknowledge the Holy Spirit does not acknowledge God.     Such Worship is futile.     

God's Word is Truth.     

Any Worship that does not Honour the Truth does not acknowledge God.     Such Worship is futile.

You will find that your relationship with the Lord is more personal, more intimate, more trusting, more powerful.   

If you have any doubts about the deity, the sovereignty or the glory of Christ Jesus listen to these Words:
And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. -
Jesus received power and authority over heaven and earth upon His resurrection.     
1) He reclaimed His seat with the Father from where He had come.     
2) He regained dominion over the earth for man, stripping it from Satan.

I charge you therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; -
Jesus is the righteous judge.     Believers will stand before Him in His Judgment Seat Of Christ to receive a reward.     Unbelievers will appear before Him in the White Throne Judgment.

All power belongs to Christ Jesus and He will judge all men.   Who is like Him in the universe?   None.   
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. -
This conflicting description of a single being could not have come from a rational mind.     It came from the Holy Spirit who would fulfil these words in Christ Jesus.     

Jesus was a child who was born of Woman and yet is the mighty God, the everlasting Father.     This means that the Father begat Himself!     

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus.     Jesus is the body of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is Lord.   He is God.   He is Saviour.   He is Healer.   He is our very life.