I have to include myself in this.
God simply and only means Deity.
When a person thinks of God or speaks of God they are speaking of deity. They are not assigning a specific person in such addresses.
Jesus is Lord.
Many, or should I say, most, Christians use the term `God` all too frequently.
Who is God? It depends on who you are talking to.
→ An atheist would tell you he is a figment of your imagination.
→ A Muslim will tell you he is Allah.
→ A Jew will tell you he is YHVH.
→ A Buddhist will tell you that he is you.
→ A Hindu would ask you `Which one?`
Christians should emphatically and exclusively identify Jesus as the True and Living God.
Since it is impolite to refer to a person you know as `you`, it is even more impolite to talk about God without mentioning and using His proper name, Jesus.
Not only is it impolite to use the term God when you really mean Jesus, it is deceptive because of the multitude of Gods that exist in different people`s minds.
The Gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ
→ who He is
→ what He did
→ what He has provided for us
→ what He expects of us
Jesus is the stumblingblock that brings people into the Truth while driving others away from the Truth.
And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See you do it not: I am your fellowservant, and of your brothers that have the testimony of Jesus: worship the Lord: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.   The Testimony Of Jesus Christ states that Jesus is: → Son Of The Holy Spirit → Son Of Man, → Way Truth And Life → Door To Heaven, → Image Of God, → Righteous Judge, → Everlasting Father, → Prince Of Preace, → King Of Kings → Lord Of Lords, → Lamb Of God, → Alpha And Omega, → Saviour And Lord, → Ancient Of Days, → Personal Saviour. |
Whenever you encounter `believers` who prefer to use the term, God, rather than Jesus, recognize that you are dealing with a Deist.
A Born Again believer In Christ Jesus who is filled with His Holy Spirit will praise the name of Jesus and not some nebulous entity called God.
I guess you have figured out by now that I am a Jesus Only person. I am not so by denomination but by revelation.
The following is from Facts About Jesus ⇒
→ Jesus was in the beginning
→ Jesus is the Creator
→ God is the Holy Spirit
→ Jesus named Himself by Gabriel to Mary.
→ The Holy Spirit is the Father of Christ Jesus
→ Jesus is One with His Father
→ Jesus is the express image of the Father.
→ Jesus is the name of the Father.
→ Jesus is the everlasting Father
→ Jesus is Mighty God
→ Jesus is the name of the Holy Spirit
→ Jesus upholds all things by the Word of His power
→ Jesus is King Of Kings
→ Jesus is Lord Of Lords
→ Jesus is the Saviour of the World
→ Jesus has all power in heaven and earth
→ Every knee will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
→ Jesus will judge all mankind
→ Jesus will rule and reign over the earth