To feign something is to pretend that you are or have that something.
Feigning faith is the very last thing that one would want to do. Why?
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to the Lord must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  |
This verse tells us that there is absolutely no way to please the Lord except with faith.
What pleases the Lord?
The implication is that we have a tremendous inheritance provided to us by Christ Jesus through His Holy Spirit, but that inheritance is inaccessible without faith.
That is liking have in impregnable vault containing billions of dollars of gold but you have no combination to the lock.
Not only does our Lord not respond to feigned faith, He is offended by it. Why?
→ it is false
→ it implies the Lord can be deceived
→ it reflect doubt and mistrust in Him
If you are `trying` to have faith, stop. Faith is a fruit of the Holy Spirit which comes by hearing His Word .
Do not be deceived. Only pure faith In Christ Jesus is acceptable to Him.
We must receive His faith which comes by His Word through His Holy Spirit.
The Faith Of Christ is devoid of doubt and unbelief. Human faith is weak and prone to lapses. It must not be counted on.
Convincing others of your faith is pretentious and reflective of a real lack of faith. It is pharisaical.
Let your faith come from being Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ - totally immersed in Him. Doing so produces Faith Unfeigned. It will accomplish things. It will produce works.