[ Created: 2023-03-13 21:11:52  Updated: 2023-03-13 21:31:06 Owner: rl ]
Title: Throwing good money at bad    


The concept of a bailout is totally against the basic principles of a Free Market economy.   

In a Free Market a bad business model or an incompetently managed business is eventually dissolved or bought out by a successful business entity.   

Such an eventuality was fair and healthy.   

To bailout a bad business model or a mismanaged company is economic insanity.   It rewards stupidity, graft and incompetence.   

Unfortunately, Capitalism which is morally and economically healthy, has mostly been replaced by Socialism, which is morally, mathematically and economically sick.   

A farmer who would sow season after season in depleted soil or grow a product not in demand, will eventually lose his farm.   That is unless the socialist government keeps feeding him and providing him with more seed.   

Now, I realize that there are a lot of farmers who are constantly being bailed out.   So, it should come as no surprise when banks are bailed out for sowing their assets in bad investments.   

But regardless of whether you are a farmer or a banker, you are either successful or a failure based on your ability to produce more than you consume.   

If we continue rewarding losers as if they are winners, we all will eventually become losers.   

Stop all bailouts.   
Stop the subsidies.   
Stop the handouts.   

Save America.