The definition of remnant should be emphasized over some spiritualization of the word.
The question that should be raised is: "What happened to the larger thing?"
In actuality, the remnant may be better or worse that the larger thing from which it was separated.
For instance: There is a remnant of people who believe that the earth is flat. The larger number of people acknowledge that it is round.
Another for instance: Constitutional Americans seem to be a remnant of Americans.
Another for instance: Bible believing Christians are a remnant of post-modern Christianity.
Another for instance: When there are 5 basketball players from a pool of 7, being in the remnant is not good.
So, we see that being a part of the remnant may be good or bad.
What happened to the larger thing of which only the remnant remains?
→ In the case of the flat-earth remnant, the larger thing went on to enlightenment.
→ In the case of the Constitutional Americans, the larger thing went on to Socialism and Globalism.
→ In the case of the Bible believing Christians, the larger thing went into apostasy and full-on rebellion.