Sin is a disease - a spiritual disease.
Sin is contagious. It seeks partners because there is comfort in numbers. It is as if the disease is normalized when it reaches a critical mass.
Unlike the explosion that occurs when uranium reaches critical mass, there is an implosion when sin reaches critical mass.
There is an abundance of common man sin in the world but those sins are not the ones which lead most urgently to implosion.
The sin that threatens humanity is the sin of rebellion. Rebellion against what?
The Law Of The Lord.
The Spirit Of Rebellion is the Spirit Of Antichrist. It is the Spirit Of Satan.
The Spirit Of Rebellion has cloaked itself as an AngelOfLight. In most cases it presents itself as a humble sheep and only reveals its true nature when opposed. It clothes itself with lies and deception.
It needs the comfort of numbers to reinforce its self-deception.
Let me get to a specific contagion that has reached critical mass and so is irreversible.
Dirty Government
Corrupt men have successfully undermined the government of the USA. They have created a network of accomplices who serve the government system in all branches and agencies.
Each of the accomplices has dirt on them. It was a requirement for them to become part of the government. Accordingly, they are in lock-step to ensure that their power is not relinquished.
Since November, 2022, the republican House has been investigating the corruption that has leveraged its power to destroy the health, economy, confidence and rights of the people.
As I was listening to Sean Hannity today, he was asked if he thought any of the government criminals of the recent past will be prosecuted. He said that would only happen if the Attorney General preferred charges. The Attorney General is not going to prefer charges because he is part of the corrupt government.
So, what we have is a dog and pony show in DC as the country goes further into debt. This, while it is destroying the economy and moving insidiously to eliminate the rights of the people.
Close elections are fudged by the left in order to remain in power.
The left is successfully buying votes with taxpayer dollars.
The left has an open door policy on the borders to marginalize the remaining moral citizens.
If our country was a patient in a hospital, the attending physician would call in the family.
We are doomed by our own sorriness, our lack of character, our nakedness without the Lord.
As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I know that salvation is a possibility. But repentance is necessary for salvation.
→ Did the people before the Flood repent?
→ Did the people of Jesus' day repent?
→ Does anyone expect those in power to repent of their corruption?
If revival occurs, it will happen at the grass-roots level. If there is a government reset, it will happen by revolution. Do, not believe in The System. It is irreversibly broken.
Trust only in the Lord who will provide for you and protect you in the days ahead as the contagion spreads throughout society destroying those who join themselves to the Great Whore.