
Portal Home Page by Pro Man

Randolph Lucas created on 2008-02-22 updated on 2020-05-19      

Pro Man (short for Pro ject Man agement Portal) is designed to provide a high-performance standardized CMS / Web Top oriented web site for projects.   

The Pro Man_ Architecture takes advantage of LAMP technology making it fast, easy to deploy and easily extended.   

Pro Man offers several key `off-the-shelf` features served up to public as well as credentialized Users having specific Roles :

  1. Public (no account necessary)
    1. Home
    2. Projects
    3. AccountRequest
    4. Login/Logout
    5. Links
    6. Wiki
  2. Registered Users (holding a Pro Man account)
    1. Schedule
    2. Calendar
    3. Documents publisher
    4. Reports publisher
    5. Contacts List
    6. Feedback
    7. Tools
    8. Links
  3. Administrators (super users via the Admin master tab)
    1. Tabs manager
    2. Users manager
    3. Roles manager
    4. Projects manager
    5. Database
    6. System
    7. Questionnaire
    8. Database Query
    9. Control System
    10. Data Edits
These features are immediately available for loading a Projects content, i.e.   no low-level PHP or Database programming required.   

The Pro Man Admin assigns Roles to its username-password authenticated Users and assigns the Users to one or more Projects to allow or deny access as appropriate to the Pro Man information and toolset.   

In order to heighten security on tab content, Pro Man displays virtually all content in its content panel.   

You should use the browser`s back button to navigate back to previous windows when the tab you are working with has multiple content tiers.   Clicking on the tab will return you to the bottom tier.   

ExecuteSQLit sql=
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmpa (dirb int, TabId int,ParentId int, TabName varchar(100), Title varchar(1000), TabOrder int, Description varchar(16000),par1 varchar(25),par2 varchar(25),par3 varchar(25),par4 varchar(25),par5 varchar(25),par6 varchar(25),par7 varchar(25));

Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs