Randy was born on February 24, 1952 in Dunn, NC. He is the third of seven children of Edward and Ilee Lucas of Benson - Robert (deceased), Carolyn, Roger, Jo Ann, Gail and Evelyn.
Randy attended Benson schools graduating from South Johnston on its first class in 1970. He received a Bachelors degree in economics (1977) and a Masters degree in mathematics (1979) from North Carolina State University.
In 1971 Randy met Judy Register of Dunn. They were married on October 29, 1972. They have three children - Jonathan (deceased), Elizabeth and Michael. Elizabeth, formerly of Manhattan, NY, was married to Alex Salem and they have three children - Salma, Sienna and Silas. Michael, who lives in Bozeman, MT, is married to Sarah Rexroad and they have two children, Oscar and Franklin. Randy and Judy have lived in Garner, Raleigh, Apex and now Benson.
Randy first worked as an accounts payable clerk at North Carolina State University. He joined Gordon Foods in in 1972 as an accountant and advanced to the position of Cost Accountant and Purchasing Agent. In 1978 he joined Research Triangle Institute International as a programmer eventually rising to Principal Scientist as a systems architect. After 33 years he retired in 2012.
Having begun playing guitar at the age of eleven, Randy focused on Gospel music playing at church. Though accoustic guitar is his primary instrument he also plays dobro, banjo, mandolin, electric guitar and electric bass. In 2001 he purchased a digital recorder and began recording his favorite gospel songs. To date he has produced and recorded 17 CDs.
In 1977 Randy, along with his family, started the New Life Pentecostal Church ( NLPC ) in Benson. He has served as NLPC pastor for the past 47 years. Since retiring from his public job he has enjoyed focusing time on the ministry and NLPC. In 2018 launched Graith Ministries whose focus is to reach the broader public with the Gospel .
Randy remains very active in music, racing, golf, motorcycle riding and spending time with his family. However, his main desire is to be a blessing to others through his testimony of Jesus Christ .